I’ve been thinking about getting my vagina pierced, so I decided to consult my good friends and ask them what they think about vagina piercing. Needless to say, this conversation was definitely for girls only and I hope no guys read this, but guys if you do please be understanding and supportive.
My girlfriend Ashley got her vagina pierced and she said it was the best decision she’s ever made in her life. One thing I want to know about Ashley is, that she is into a Gothic lifestyle and loves piercing. Incidentally, she is the one who was really wanting me to get my vagina pierced!
I asked her, did it hurt when you got your vagina pierced? She said yes it did. I told her that I was not afraid of the pain, but that I did not want it to affect my sex life in a negative manner. At this point, she said that every one’s physiological makeup is different and what may be good for you, may not be for everyone else. This is why I love talking to Ashley, because she is one intelligent girlfriend and before she does anything, she learns about all the implications.
Here’s where things get very interesting, she told me that having her vagina pierced has caused multiple orgasms. Another hurdle I would have to jump over is will my boyfriend like this idea, because if he doesn’t like it then I’m not going to do it. So girls if you’re reading this article right now, make sure you talk this over with your boyfriend, before surprising him with a pierced vagina!
I had one woman tell me that she got her vagina pierced, just so she could keep men from having sex with her. I realize some women have had some bad experiences with men, but fortunately I’ve got a great boyfriend and our sex life is explosive! I know some girls get their vagina pierced, just to impress a guy or entice a guy, but I don’t feel that that’s a good reason to get a vagina pierced.
The wisest thing you can do is sit down with a piece of paper and write out two columns that contain the pros and cons of getting your vagina pierced. That way, you can see if you have more good reasons for doing this, then the wrong reasons for doing it. Sometimes us girls need a good reality check and that means asking our friends for help, but more importantly looking at the reasons why we do what we do.
I am still undecided about getting a vagina piercing, because I do not have a list of good reasons that outweigh the bad reasons, not to mention, I do not want to do something that I’m going to regret later, only because it’s the hot thing to do at the moment.
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